About TVmomma:

I created this blog a few years back when I used to watch television 14 hours a day. I was getting highly-opinionated with what I see on TV and I wanted to spare my husband from my rantings so I thought of blogging about them instead.

I have called TV as my amusement park -- right in my own home. But now, things have changed and my TV viewing has been limited. I still post on this blog but only when I felt so strongly about what I've seen, and when I have the time.

For reprint and for anything else, please leave a message on the comment area. Thank you.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Health Care Is A Right

Is health care a right,a privilege, or a responsibility?

I admire Barack Obama when he said health care is a right. I watched, after missing the first one, the presidential debate last week. It was aired on at least five national television channels.

I admire Obama, the democratic candidate, for standing up for the majority of people who are uninsured. People who are not really keen on national security, the war in Iraq or Afghanistan, and the collapsing market, can only relate to what affects them directly -- and those are gas prices, small wages, and definitely, health care.

It's about time we have a man in Washington who rallies that health care is a right and not a privilege. And if it is a responsibilty, then it is by the government.

If I applauded Sarah Palin after watching her acceptance speech for the nomination for GOP vice president, then Obama won me this one. No contest -- for the former is running for vice president while the latter is running for president.

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