About TVmomma:

I created this blog a few years back when I used to watch television 14 hours a day. I was getting highly-opinionated with what I see on TV and I wanted to spare my husband from my rantings so I thought of blogging about them instead.

I have called TV as my amusement park -- right in my own home. But now, things have changed and my TV viewing has been limited. I still post on this blog but only when I felt so strongly about what I've seen, and when I have the time.

For reprint and for anything else, please leave a message on the comment area. Thank you.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Giants Lost: playoff ends for me

Last Sunday, I did not wish nor pray for anything but only one thing: that the New York Giants win.

I know that sounds silly but I was thinking that the Giants, which is my NFL favorite team, needed all the luck they could get as the first two division champions -- the Titans and the Panthers -- lost in their own home fields. So I thought my humble prayer can help them a bit.

But who knows, maybe even more people prayed for the Philadephia Eagles. Or the force was really with them. They won, my team lost, and I had a disappointing Sunday.

I was griping out loud and my husband, whose team, Chicago Bears did not make it to the playoff told me, "It's just a game, get over it." As I looked at him, I remembered how I did not care about football before and I thought how ridiculous people would put such importance and interest to a ball game. I thought of those commentators in coats and ties looking so honorable just talking about a game but are making insane amount of money doing so. I thought about my husband who introduced me to the world of professional football and that two years ago, if the Giants lost, I would have not cared less.

So I told my husband, "I will get over it tomorrow, but today I will be sad."

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